Keith Listoe for Jesus Christ!

The most supportive person with me!!!

Teri Berry, was the most supportive person with me in the hospital!

The second most supportive person with me for 3 months in the hospital!

My late brother Mark, was the second most supportive person with me in the hospital for four and a half months!

The amount of my skull removed in the third emergency operation after the fourth bleed in my brain! That is my brain sawelling out of the dent in my skull!  By the grace of Jesus Christ I survived! Through my parent's and younger sister's faith in prayer with the laying on of their hands in Jesus's name.

Christ's On Demand Daily Devotional Reading!

Keith Listoe's IQ:

My Praise and Thanksgiving to our Glorious God!


My Brother Mark's artwork:

My Mom's artwork

My artwork:

My Hockey:

Worldwide Peace:


Keith's Confidence in Jesus Christ!

Tyler's Natural Disaster Project:

motivational speech:





contact me